Thursday, September 1, 2022

"Quand je dis stop c'est stop"... : Cyril Hanouna obligé de recadrer Magali Berdah dans "TPMP" - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:20:00 +0200 aePiot

aePiot worldwide news

"Quand je dis stop c'est stop"... : Cyril Hanouna obligé de recadrer Magali Berdah dans "TPMP" - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:20:00 +0200 aePiot

Cultural ‘appropriation’ vs ‘appreciation’: Stylists, designers on how to maintain a fragile but informed balance

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 07:00:56 +0000

Cultural ‘appropriation’ vs ‘appreciation’: Stylists, designers on how to maintain a fragile but informed balance


Sheet Music Plus Piano Music

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Cultural ‘appropriation’ vs ‘appreciation’: Stylists, designers on how to maintain a fragile but informed balance


'Appropriation' refers to making certain choices that may hurt people belonging to a certain race, ethnicity, community, etc. For instance, if you wear the traditional attire of another country simply to make a fashionable statement, it is appropriating that culture

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Illustrative Images from Sail
Illustrative Images from Sail
Top secret files scattered on the floor – - Thu, 01 Sep 2022 03:35:03 +0000 Lamborghini Urus 進階車型「Performante」正式登場 - Mon, 22 Aug 2022 06:37:16 +0000
Rusia a lansat un amplu exerciţiu militar departe de linia frontului din Ucraina - Thu, 01 Sep 2022 05:59:43 +0000 سفارت ایران در آذربایجان: ویدیوهای منتشر شده در شبکه اجتماعی ساختگی هست - Thu, 04 Aug 2022 10:32:00 +0400
McLaren が『グランツーリスモ SPORT』のコンセプトカー Solus GT を実車化 - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 04:06:26 +0000 Папа: Бог створив нас вільними і хоче, щоб ми користувалися свободою - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 10:24:00 +0200
New PRINPAG executives assume office - GhanaWeb - Thu, 01 Sep 2022 01:43:30 GMT Madonna Reveals That ‘Sex’ Is What Keeps Her Going, Calls It Her Obsession - Thu, 01 Sep 2022 05:00:36 +0000
Splash! Vedete la apă, episodul 12 din 31 august 2022. Zanni a aprins spiritele în platou. Mesajul surprinzător al lui Alex Velea - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:46:34 +0200 Bonus trasporti 2022, è il click day: domande al via, come richiederlo - Adnkronos - Thu, 01 Sep 2022 04:58:00 GMT
Headlines from the web: Ongwediva trade fair exhibitors call for extension - Namibian - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:27:08 GMT

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أسعار الذهب اليوم في مصر الخميس 1 سبتمبر 2022.. انخفاض جديد

فاكس دي خيا الأبرز.. 4 مشاهد لا تنسى في آخر أيام الميركاتو

حصيلة أولية.. 3 قتلى و12 مصابا في هجمات "الهاون" بمقديشو

سعر الجنيه الإسترليني اليوم في البنوك المصرية 1-9-2022

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 10:43:12 +0400

Arabic language

سعر الجنيه الإسترليني اليوم في البنوك المصرية 1-9-2022


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سعر الجنيه الإسترليني اليوم في البنوك المصرية 1-9-2022


تراجع سعر الجنيه الإسترليني اليوم في مصر خلال تعاملات الخميس 1 سبتمبر 2022 لدى البنك المركزي والبنوك التجارية وشركات الصرافة.

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Headlines: Arabic language

فيتامين «ك» يقوّي العظام.. ويعزّز صحة القلب

التحديق في الهواتف كثيراً.. يسبّب التجاعيد

التحديق في الهواتف كثيراً.. يسبّب التجاعيد

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 09:27:00 +0300

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কেরলে গাড়ি চড়ে ১ সপ্তাহ ধরে ঘুরল শঙ্খচূড়, জানতেই পারলেন না চালক

দাউদ কোথায় খুঁজে দিতে পারলেই ২৫ লাখ দেবে এনআইএ

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 06:27:11 +0000

Bengali language

দাউদ কোথায় খুঁজে দিতে পারলেই ২৫ লাখ দেবে এনআইএ


Headlines from the web

העליון דחה את הערעור: עמירם בן אוליאל, שרצח את משפחת דוואבשה, יישאר בכלא - וואלה! חדשות

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 05:03:00 GMT

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দাউদ কোথায় খুঁজে দিতে পারলেই ২৫ লাখ দেবে এনআইএ


দ্য ওয়াল ব্যুরো: কোথায় আছেন দাউদ ইব্রাহিম (Dawood Ibrahim)? খোঁজ দিতে পারলেই মিলবে ২৫ লাখ টাকা পুরস্কার। কেন্দ্রীয় তদন্তকারী সংস্থা এনআইএ (NIA) এমন কথাই ঘোষণা করল। শুধু দাউদ নয়, ছোট শাকিল সম্পর্কে তথ্য দিতে পারলে মিলবে ২০ লাখ টাকা।আন্ডারওয়ার্ল্ডে

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Headlines: Bengali language

বাংলাদেশের ফুচকা এশিয়ার সেরা ৫০ স্ট্রিট ফুডের তালিকায়

বাদ যেতে পারেন বিজয়-নাঈম; ওপেনিংয়ে সাব্বির-মিরাজ?

নারায়ণগঞ্জে পুলিশ-বিএনপি সংঘর্ষ : নিহত ১

প্রধানমন্ত্রীর ডিজিটাল বাংলাদেশ বাস্তবায়নে কাজ করছি: সাফওয়ান সোবহান

টেলিটকের সাবেক ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালক মো. সাহাবুদ্দিনকে ওএসডি

টেলিটকের সাবেক ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালক মো. সাহাবুদ্দিনকে ওএসডি

Thu, 1 Sep 2022 12:35:20 GMT

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Headlines from the web

Sony が日本を含むアジア各国や欧州などで PlayStation 5 を値上げ


Fri, 26 Aug 2022 09:27:58 +0000

Headlines from the web

Pakistan floods highlight need for climate 'loss and damage' help - Dunya News

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 01:20:00 GMT

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Thu, 01 Sep 2022 10:45:41 +0800

Chinese language



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Headlines from the web: ANOFM: Peste 43.000 de locuri de muncă disponibile în țară/ Un sfert dintre ele sunt pentru persoane cu studii profesionale - Thu, 01 Sep 2022 05:30:41 +0000

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Headlines: Chinese language


美限制AI芯片出口中國 料打擊相關技術發展




Thu, 01 Sep 2022 05:52:55 +0000

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Body found more than 30 years ago ID’d as Indiana girl who went missing in 1978

Anne Heche died without will, son seeks to be in charge of estate

Classified materials found at Mar-a-Lago ‘no cause for alarm,’ Trump lawyers say

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 01:17:25 -0400

English language

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Classified materials found at Mar-a-Lago ‘no cause for alarm,’ Trump lawyers say


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Classified materials found at Mar-a-Lago ‘no cause for alarm,’ Trump lawyers say


The feds on Tuesday had rejected Trump’s request to delegate the investigation to an authorized third party in the interests of national security.

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Headlines: English language

RBI may slow pace of rate hikes over growth concerns: Deutsche Bank

Promoter entity needs Income Tax dept nod for warrant conversion: NDTV

Homegrown Twitter rival Koo lays off 40 employees in 'realignment' move

SpiceJet shares fall 15% to hit one-month low on bigger quarterly loss

SpiceJet shares fall 15% to hit one-month low on bigger quarterly loss

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 11:31:30 +0530

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Headlines from the web

APC presidential aspirants shun Abuja meeting - Punch Newspapers

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 02:38:55 GMT

Headlines from the web

Втрати Росії: за добу ЗСУ ліквідували ще 450 окупантів та збили гелікоптер - ТСН

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 06:45:32 GMT

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Rentrée scolaire 2022 : Comment les transports scolaires ont réussi de peu à éviter la catastrophe

Loi de bioéthique : Que change la levée de l’anonymat des donneurs de gamètes pour les enfants nés d’une PMA ?

C’est l’heure du BIM : L’heure de la rentrée scolaire, rapport explosif contre Pékin et stationnement payant pour les scooters

US Open : « Je suis Serena, vous savez »… Williams passe au 3e tour pour son jubilé

Guerre en Ukraine EN DIRECT : Moscou accuse Kiev de faire débarquer des « saboteurs » à Zaporojie…

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 08:49:10 +0200

French language

Guerre en Ukraine EN DIRECT : Moscou accuse Kiev de faire débarquer des « saboteurs » à Zaporojie…


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Guerre en Ukraine EN DIRECT : Moscou accuse Kiev de faire débarquer des « saboteurs » à Zaporojie…


Suivez avec nous les informations sur le conflit en ce jeudi 1er septembre 2022

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Headlines: French language

Rentrée scolaire, en direct : inflation, pénurie de professeurs, protocole sanitaire au plus bas niveau, suivez notre journée spéciale

Rentrée scolaire, en direct : inflation, pénurie de professeurs, protocole sanitaire au plus bas niveau, suivez notre journée spéciale

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 07:00:07 +0200

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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Lufthansa-Piloten wollen am Freitag streiken

Streit in der Linken vor geplanter Demo gegen Gasumlage

Industrie und Handwerk bei Haltung zu Russland-Sanktionen gespalten

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 06:53:30 +0200

German language


Industrie und Handwerk bei Haltung zu Russland-Sanktionen gespalten | MDR.DE


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Industrie und Handwerk bei Haltung zu Russland-Sanktionen gespalten | MDR.DE


Handwerker oder Unternehmer wendeten sich zuletzt häufiger mit offenen Briefen an die Bundesregierung. Tenor: Die Sanktionen gegen Russland müssten beendet werden. Doch die Wirtschaft ist gespalten.

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Headlines: German language

Wahlen in Alaska: Wahl in Alaska: Erfolg für Demokraten, Niederlage für Palin

Vor Expertenbesuch: Erneut Kämpfe beim Atomkraftwerk Saporischschja

Energie: Neue Energiespar-Vorgaben treten in Kraft: Das gilt ab heute

Energie: Spritpreise steigen mit Ende des Tankrabatts teils deutlich

Energie: Spritpreise steigen mit Ende des Tankrabatts teils deutlich

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 08:25:07 +0200

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Headlines from the web

Felicitó Díaz-Canel a condecorados por enfrentar siniestro (+Fotos) - ACN DIGITAL

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:07:39 GMT

Related from the web

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ഗർഭിണിയായ ഇന്ത്യൻ യുവതി ചികിത്സ കിട്ടാതെ മരിച്ച സംഭവത്തിൽ പോർച്ചുഗൽ ആരോഗ്യമന്ത്രി രാജിവെച്ചു - News18 മലയാളം

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 05:36:27 GMT

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UN रिपोर्ट में दावा, चीन मुस्लिमों पर कर रहा अत्याचार, महिलाओं के साथ हो रहा दुष्कर्म

अबू धाबी: तकनीकी खराबी के कारण छोटा विमान दुर्घटनाग्रस्त, पायलट जख्मी

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 09:25:00 +0530

Hindi language

अबू धाबी: तकनीकी खराबी के कारण छोटा विमान दुर्घटनाग्रस्त, पायलट जख्मी


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अबू धाबी: तकनीकी खराबी के कारण छोटा विमान दुर्घटनाग्रस्त, पायलट जख्मी


अबू धाबी में छोटा विमान दुर्घटनाग्रस्त जिसमें एक पायलट जख्मी हो गया है।पुलिस ने बताया कि विमान अबू धाबी में स्थित शेख जायद ग्रैंड मस्जिद के पार्किंग स्थल में चला गया। पुलिस ने घटना की वजह तकनीकी खराबी बताई है और पायलट मामूली रूप से जख्मी हुआ है जिसका इलाज किया जा रहा है।

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Headlines: Hindi language

तिब्बत पर यूएन मानवाधिकार की भूतपूर्व प्रमुख मिशेल की अनिश्चित विरासत

विश्वभर में मंकीपाॅक्स के 50 हजार मामलों ने बढ़ाई चिंता, WHO ने जारी किया अलर्ट 

65 फीसदी ब्रिटिश लोगों को प्रिंस हैरी और मेगन मर्केल से नहीं कोई 'सहानुभूति'

सोवियत संघ के अंतिम शासक और नोबेल विजेता मिखाइल गोर्बाचेव का निधन

सोवियत संघ के अंतिम शासक और नोबेल विजेता मिखाइल गोर्बाचेव का निधन

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:12:23 GMT

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Sondaggi politici | FdI al 24%, Pd un punto sotto. Lega e M5S pari

Thu, 1 Sep 2022 08:09:32 +0200

Italian language

Il sondaggio di Pagnoncelli | FdI primo partito al 24%, Pd un punto sotto. Lega e M5S appaiati


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Il sondaggio di Pagnoncelli | FdI primo partito al 24%, Pd un punto sotto. Lega e M5S appaiati


I partiti di Salvini e Conte al 13,4%. FI all’8%, Calenda al 5. Balzo nel gradimento (+5) per Draghi e il governo uscente. Tra operai e disoccupati il tasso maggiore di disinteresse

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Headlines: Italian language

Si avvicina alle auto in sosta, apre lo sportello e le deruba: arrestato in flagrante

Al Circolo Artistico concerto del Trio Les Suavités

"Ho investito un milione di euro, poi i soldi sono spariti", pensionato vittima di una maxi truffa con il trading online

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Luca Veneri, quanti ricordi: "Le vittorie, il cinque mancato, Gori e Sganappa. Ma ora la Giostra me la godo di più"

Luca Veneri, quanti ricordi: "Le vittorie, il cinque mancato, Gori e Sganappa. Ma ora la Giostra me la godo di più"

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 20:00:00 +0200

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Headlines from the web

Details durchgesickert - So will Habeck die Gasumlage retten


Thu, 01 Sep 2022 08:14:14 +0200

Headlines from the web

Good governance key to delivering scouting's life-changing educational programme to millions - The Standard

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 14:20:46 GMT

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沖縄コロナ2040人感染 男女8人死亡 12日連続で前の週を下回る【9月1日昼】 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

数十億円規模か オリオンビール所有の軍用地、琉球キャピタルが取得へ - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

プレイバック決戦・記者が見た主席公選・知事選(8)1994年、55年体制崩壊 大田昌秀氏・翁長助裕氏 - プレイバック決戦・記者が見た主席公選・知事選

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 13:00:00 +0900

Japanese language

プレイバック決戦・記者が見た主席公選・知事選(8)1994年、55年体制崩壊 大田昌秀氏・翁長助裕氏 | プレイバック決戦・記者が見た主席公選・知事選 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス


Sheet Music Plus Music for Woodwinds

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プレイバック決戦・記者が見た主席公選・知事選(8)1994年、55年体制崩壊 大田昌秀氏・翁長助裕氏 | プレイバック決戦・記者が見た主席公選・知事選 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス



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Headlines: Japanese language



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体を密着させ執拗に客引き? 逮捕

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人気DJ、クラブで「マツケンサンバ」流され批判 主張に賛否

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 13:23:35 +0900

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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Zaporizhia. AIEA mantém visita à central nuclear apesar dos bombardeamentos

União Europeia vai suspender a facilitação de vistos com a Rússia

Austrália considera importante "desemperrar" projeto com Timor-Leste do Greater Sunrise

Acreditar lança campanha sobre impacto do cancro pediátrico nas famílias

Governo fixa em 2.400 vagas para internato médico no próximo ano

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 07:34:05 +0000

Portuguese language

Sheet Music Plus Classical Music

Governo fixa em 2.400 vagas para internato médico no próximo ano


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Governo fixa em 2.400 vagas para internato médico no próximo ano


O Governo fixou em 2.400 o número de vagas para ingresso na formação geral do internato médico no próximo ano, segundo um despacho publicado na quarta-feira em Diário da República.

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Headlines: Portuguese language

Divinópolis teve 12 novos casos de Covid-19 confirmados nesta quarta-feira (31)

Evento com várias atrações visa reverter baixa adesão a campanha de vacina contra a poliemelite

Prefeitura diz que notificação por feitiços sem alvará é falsa

Fofoca do dia: Ex marido de Simaria processa a cantora por danos morais e exige retratação pública

Resumão das Novelas desta quarta-feira – 31 de agosto

Falta de sinalização pode levar à anulação de multas de trânsito em Uberaba

Revista AMIRT: edição 209 – Julho/Agosto 2022

Revista AMIRT: edição 209 – Julho/Agosto 2022

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:00:19 +0000

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Headlines from the web

'폭우 피해' 서초·동작 등 7곳 특별재난지역 - 한겨레

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 05:16:35 GMT

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Thu, 01 Sep 2022 05:32:43 GMT

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Proiect avizat: Încă o zi liberă pentru angajați

Noi emisiuni de titluri de stat destinate exclusiv populaţiei prin intermediul Programului Tezaur

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300

Romanian language

Sheet Music Plus Choral Music

Noi emisiuni de titluri de stat destinate exclusiv populaţiei prin intermediul Programului Tezaur


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Noi emisiuni de titluri de stat destinate exclusiv populaţiei prin intermediul Programului Tezaur


Ministerul Finanţelor lansează de joi, 1 septembrie 2022, noi emisiuni de titluri de stat destinate exclusiv populaţiei prin intermediul Programului Tezaur. Dobânzile anuale oferite sunt de 7,75% pentru scadenţa de 1 an şi de 7,90% pentru scadenţa de 2 ani. Titlurile de stat sunt emise în forma dematerializată, au valoare nominală de 1 leu, iar dobânda anuală este plătită la termenele prevăzute în prospectul de emisiune. Titlurile de stat emise în cadrul Programului Tezaur sunt transferabile şi se pot răscumpăra în avans. Astfel, persoanele fizice rezidente pot cumpăra online titluri de stat Tezaur în perioada 1 – 27 septembrie 2022, dar numai dacă sunt sunt înregistrate în SPV. Operaţiunile care pot fi realizate online sunt: deschidere cont de subscriere pe numele investitorului la o unitate a Trezoreriei Statului selectată, subscriere titluri de stat Tezaur, virament al sumelor din contul de subscriere al investitorului către un cont bancar pe numele investitorului. De asemenea, între 1 şi 28 septembrie 2022, titlurile pot fi achiziţionate de la unităţile Trezoreriei Statului, între 1 – 27 septembrie 2022 în mediul urban şi 1 – 26 septembrie 2022 în mediul rural, prin subunităţile CN Poşta Română S.A.

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Headlines: Romanian language

Şofer din Bucureşti, pe drumul morţii, între Bărăganul și Însurăței. O depăşire riscantă i-a fost fatală şi a băgat în spital un adolescent de 16 ani

Şofer din Bucureşti, pe drumul morţii, între Bărăganul și Însurăței. O depăşire riscantă i-a fost fatală şi a băgat în spital un adolescent de 16 ani

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 09:55:00 +0300

Romanian language

Ion Georgescu, primar al orașului Mioveni: PSD propune măsuri concrete de gestionare a situației energetice pe timp de iarnă!


Operatorii din domeniul energiei nu au răspuns corect la decizia Guvernului de a compensa facturile, afirmă Ion Georgescu, primar al orașului Mioveni, membru al BPJ al PSD Argeș, și au continuat să majoreze speculativ prețurile, dovedindu-se încă o dată că liberalizarea haotică a pieței energiei, inițiată de guvernarea de dreapta, a fost o decizie aberantă. "Soluția corectă este cea propusă de PSD: reglementarea temporară a prețurilor la energie. În acest sens, PSD propune reglementarea în două trepte. 1. Septembrie – 31 decembrie 2022: Pentru energia deja vândută – o compensare dintre prețul facturilor și un preț mediu al pieței, nu la prețuri speculative; 2. De la 1 ianuarie: reglementarea prețurilor practicate și a adaosului comercial, pe o durată determinată, cu actualizări periodice în funcție de costurile de producție. PSD se va asigura că Guvernul va continua să îi susțină pe consumatorii casnici și în special pe cei cu venituri mici, astfel încât la acest nivel să nu aibă loc modificări ale prețurilor din facturi!", afirmă Ion Georgescu.

English language

Ion Georgescu, mayor of Mioveni: PSD proposes concrete measures to manage the energy situation in winter!

The energy operators did not respond correctly to the Government's decision to offset the bills, says Ion Georgescu, mayor of Mioveni, member of BPJ of PSD Argeș, and continued to raise prices speculatively, proving once again that the chaotic liberalization of of the energy market, initiated by the right-wing government, was an aberrant decision. "The correct solution is the one proposed by PSD: the temporary regulation of energy prices. In this sense, PSD proposes regulation in two stages. 1. September - December 31, 2022: For energy already sold - a compensation between the invoice price and an average price of the market, not at speculative prices; 2. From 1 January: regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined period, with periodic updates according to production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu. the regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined duration, with periodic updates according to the production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu. the regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined duration, with periodic updates according to the production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu.

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


La inflación y la subida del euríborllevan a la cuesta de septiembremás complicadaen décadas

OPINIÓN | La cuesta de septiembre, por JESÚS MORALES

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 07:36:47 +0200

Spanish language

La cuesta de septiembre | Opinión de Jesús Morales


Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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La cuesta de septiembre | Opinión de Jesús Morales


Nos hemos pasado el verano escuchando que a la vuelta de vacaciones iba a acrecentarse...

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Headlines: Spanish language

Granada cierra un buen mes de agosto y afronta septiembre con hoteles ya al 70%

Desalojan un edificio de la calle Parrilla tras derrumbarse el tejado

Más de cincuenta años construyendo guitarras en los bajos alquilados de un edificio ruinoso

Los precios disparados ahogan a las familias en la vuelta al cole

Los precios disparados ahogan a las familias en la vuelta al cole

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:04:50 +0200

P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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