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Elizabeth Hurley hits back at critics of topless photo: ‘These pics were taken by my 80 year old mother’
Model and actor had been criticised by Piers Morgan
Wed, 27 Jan 2021 07:39:55 GMT
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Girls suffer ‘sharp drop’ in mental wellbeing during adolescence, study into Generation Z finds
Poverty, heavy social media use and bullying linked to poor mental and emotional health
Wed, 27 Jan 2021 07:38:24 GMT
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‘We did everything that we could to protect people’s lives and help to weather the storm’
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Britain’s “head start” over the EU in rolling out coronavirus vaccines means almost all over-50s in the UK will get their jab by March, the chief of AstraZeneca has said.
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Warehouse Reit has joined the list of shed landlords collecting most of the rent due from tenants, as demand for space during the pandemic soars.
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