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Huge volcano Mount Merapi erupts shooting out river of lava and gas clouds
Huge volcano Mount Merapi erupts shooting out river of lava and gas clouds more - page web card
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People with learning disabilities should be prioritised for the Covid vaccine, given the high threat to their lives
The government has a responsibility to protect the most vulnerable in society from coronavirus – that includes those with learning difficulties
Wed, 27 Jan 2021 10:46:09 GMT
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Chelsea Flower Show pushed back to autumn for first time ever
The Royal Horticultural Society said millions more people 'will have been vaccinated' by September
Wed, 27 Jan 2021 10:44:46 GMT
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CITY stalwart Brewin Dolphin today reported that funds under management have raced past £50 billion, as stock markets soar and page web card
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Britain’s “head start” over the EU in rolling out coronavirus vaccines means almost all over-50s in the UK will get their jab by March, the page web card
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