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Inauguration Speech Analysis: Biden spoke of American healing and mentioned the buzzwords Boris Johnson hoped to hear
Inauguration Speech Analysis: Biden spoke of American healing and mentioned the buzzwords Boris Johnson hoped to hear more - page web card
Wed, 20 Jan 2021 18:30:13 GMT
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Pages: 1| 2 | 3 | 4 | > >>The huge sum, representing about £294,000, towers over UK PM Boris Johnson's wages of £150,402 a year, which he complained last year was not enough to live on
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Donald Trump left a note for his successor as he left the White House for the final time as the US leader - but the sore loser snubbed his successor's inauguration ceremony
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The REACT study by Imperial College London has analysed swab tests carried out on 111,000 people across England between January 6 and 15 and found that new infections are still not falling
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