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Mike Pence puts Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer ON HOLD when they call to demand he remove Trump
Mike Pence puts Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer ON HOLD when they call to demand he remove Trump more
Thu, 07 Jan 2021 23:41:56 GMT
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Pages: 1| 2 | 3 | 4 | > >>The PM told a Downing Street press conference: 'All my life America has stood for some very important things - an idea of freedom and an idea of democracy.'
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Vice President Mike Pence is expected to attend Joe Biden's inauguration on January 20th while President Donald Trump is considering fleeing town the day before the ceremony.
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Greater Brisbane will enter hard lockdown for three days despite recording no new local Covid-19 cases on Friday as the city attempts to stop the spread of a UK strain of the virus.
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