Wednesday, August 11, 2021

- BackLink - MADR a făcut topul județelor cu cele mai mari subvenții la legume. Problema? Banii nu s-au plătit încă fermierilor!

aePiot worldwide news

- BackLink - MADR a făcut topul județelor cu cele mai mari subvenții la legume. Problema? Banii nu s-au plătit încă fermierilor!

MADR a făcut topul județelor cu cele mai mari subvenții la legume. Problema? Banii nu s-au plătit încă fermierilor!
Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale (MADR) a realizat o situația a județelor în care legumicultorii au obținut cele mai mari subvenții pentru măsurile de sprijin în vigoare pentru acest an î ...

Wed, 11 Aug 2021 05:19:00 GMT

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The teen brother of the slain 7-year-old in the Bronx allegedly admitted that he assaulted his sister before she was found dead in their apartment police sources said.

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Floating-rate corporate loans offer surprisingly good yields while protecting your investments if interest rates rise.

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... The company’s Cygnus cargo ship rocketed away from Virginia’s eastern shore Tuesday. It should reach the International Space Station on Thursday.

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... Next week on Holby City Evie faces her darkest day while Fletch makes a terrible mistake and Chloe has a major decision to make. Here's a full collection of the seven biggest moments coming up: A ...

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... There are now seven mobile games that pull in over $100 million in an average month according to a new App Annie report. And 810 scoop up more than $1 million every month.

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The 5-year-old’s siblings got out of the SUV when they returned home but the boy “remained behind” while strapped to a child safety seat.

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Trump lashed out against Joe Biden's latest victory on Wednesday morning calling Democrats' passage of a $3.5 trillion infrastructure framework an 'assault' on the American dream.

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... The Super Bowl of super-rich car collecting kicks off in Monterey California. this week as more than $300 million of rolling trophies comes up for auction.

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... If the superhero genre was once a thinly veiled guise for presenting moral absolutes then the Disney+ show -- up until its finale released March 5 -- has in many ways been a departure.

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aePiot worldwide news

O femeie în vârstă de ... legii au constatat că acesta avea asupra lui un cuțit, cu care a amenințat că se va sinucide. Unul dintre polițiști a încercat să îl imobilizeze, dar a fost rănit. Bărbatul a ...

  G hidul L ocatarului Cel mai complex Ghid al Romanilor de pretutindeni. Cele mai căutate locuri de muncă din România. ...
