Wednesday, September 15, 2021

- Loader BackLink (LoadLink Backer) - 173 de copii care provin din familii sărace au primit ghiozdane și rechizite din partea pompierilor din Botoșani

aePiot worldwide news

- Loader BackLink (LoadLink Backer) - 173 de copii care provin din familii sărace au primit ghiozdane și rechizite din partea pompierilor din Botoșani

173 de copii care provin din familii sărace au primit ghiozdane și rechizite din partea pompierilor din Botoșani

173 de copii care provin din familii sărace au primit ghiozdane și rechizite din partea pompierilor din Botoșani ...

Sun, 12 Sep 2021 22:59:00 GMT

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Headlines Newspaper
... În data de 14.09.2021, ...

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... nou sens unic în municipiul ...
Wed, 15 Sep 2021 00:00:00 +0300
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We may never know how many innocent people US forces killed during the War on Terror – and that’s intentional writes Josh Marcus ...

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Wed, 15 Sep 2021 02:16:42 GMT

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Muskogee veterans Bob Watts and Steve Watson made up a good golf team Tuesday even though Watson uses a walker. "He's putting for me" said Watts a retired U.S. Marines lieutenant colonel. "We're ...

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Wed, 15 Sep 2021 01:46:00 GMT

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Lawrence O’Donnell explains Donald Trump’s history of lying about 9/11 and why Donald Trump is afraid to repeat his worst lie.

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Tue, 14 Sep 2021 20:17:00 GMT

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Here are nine burning questions about the 2021 Emmy Awards. We'll have answers when the awards are presented on Sunday.

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Tue, 14 Sep 2021 18:58:00 GMT

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Check out this great listen on Guest Designer Madison Littlepage has given Bill and Dani a summer job. But just how good are they at being lifeguards? Check out the write-up and images ...

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Tue, 14 Sep 2021 19:31:00 GMT

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Libertyville and Mundelein took time to remember the events of 9/11 Saturday morning which each hosting their own respective ceremony. In Libertyville officials participated in a silent parade ...

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Tue, 14 Sep 2021 15:48:00 GMT

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Spectacole de teatru în Sala Filarmonicii Pitești Primăria Pitești organizează prin Centrul Cultural Pitești și Filarmonica Pitești, în colaborare cu Teatrul particular “Vasilache” din București, două piese de teatru în data de 18 septembrie. Prima dintre ele reprezintă un spectaco...(Citește tot articolul)

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Tue, 14 Sep 2021 00:00:00 +0300

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Ministerul Finanţelor lansează o nouă emisiune FIDELIS de titluri de stat pentru populaţie Ministerul Finanţelor lansează o nouă emisiune FIDELIS de titluri de stat pentru populaţie Ministerul Finanţelor lansează o nouă emisiune FIDELIS de titluri de stat pentru populaţie şi, în perioada 13 septembrie - 1 octombrie 2021, persoan...(Citește tot articolul)

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Mon, 13 Sep 2021 00:00:00 +0300

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Ministerul Finanţelor lansează o nouă emisiune FIDELIS de titluri de stat pentru populaţie Ministerul Finanţelor lansează o nouă emisiune FIDELIS de titluri de stat pentru populaţie Ministerul Finanţelor lansează o nouă emisiune FIDELIS de titluri de stat pentru populaţie şi, în perioada 13 septembrie - 1 octombrie 2021, persoan...(Citește tot articolul)

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Mon, 13 Sep 2021 00:00:00 +0300

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San Siro – teren de sport multifuncțional reamenajat, deschis publicului! read directly from the source

San Siro – teren de sport multifuncțional reamenajat, deschis publicului! Terenul de sport de pe strada Florilor, din cartierul Ceair, cunoscut celor din zonă sub denumirea „San Siro”, este funcțional, iar piteștenii îl folosesc deja, conform programului. Recent amenajat, terenul multifuncțional cu dimensiunile de 44x22 m este pregătit pentru iubitorii de mișcare, aici putând fi desfășurate partide de minifotbal, de tenis de câmp sau de baschet. Terenul este dotat cu poartă de minifotbal de 3x2 m, cu fileu de tenis mobil, coș de baschet mobil, este securizat cu supraveghere video și beneficiază de iluminat nocturn, plasă de protecție și de două tribune a câte 30 de locuri pentru spectatori. Municipalitatea face apel către toți utilizatorii acestui teren să aibă grijă de patrimoniul public, păstrarea curățeniei și comportamentul responsabil în folosirea facilităților existente fiind necesare pentru a menține această bază sportivă în bună stare de funcționare pe termen lung.


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Headlines Newspaper
... 14.09.2021, Primăria Municipiului Piteşti ...

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... nou sens unic în municipiul ...
Wed, 15 Sep 2021 00:00:00 +0300
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Apple may have neglected to mention its VR headset plans at yesterday’s California Streaming event but the latest reports suggest Apple wants to use micro-OLED panels in its VR and AR devices and it ...

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Wed, 15 Sep 2021 02:19:00 GMT

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The court said in a judgement that Zhou Xiaoxuan did not meet the burden of proof in claiming that she was sexually harassed ...

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Wed, 15 Sep 2021 01:48:00 GMT

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Madhuri Dixit shared breathtaking pictures from the sets of Dance Deewane 3 and we are in love with her ensemble in them. She chose a floral printed bustier and pants set. Here's what it costs ...

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Wed, 15 Sep 2021 02:11:15 GMT

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Inflation rose at a record pace last month to hit its highest level in nine years official figures show. The consumer prices index climbed by 3.2 per cent in the year to August up from 2 per cent in ...

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Wed, 15 Sep 2021 00:40:00 GMT

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Driven by rising prices for food and drink and used cars the Office for National Statistics has reported the largest month-on-month rise in annual inflation in August since records began in 1997.

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Wed, 15 Sep 2021 01:00:00 GMT

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GERARD PIQUE says he is ‘hurt a lot’ by the booing Barcelona fans after their 3-0 Champions League defeat to Bayern Munich at the Nou Camp. A section of the 40000-strong Barca crowd ...

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Wed, 15 Sep 2021 01:05:00 GMT

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The consumer prices index rose above the expectations of analysts to reach its highest level for more than nine years.

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Tue, 14 Sep 2021 23:47:00 GMT

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Sputnik V vaccine is developed by Russia’s Gamaleya Institute with assistance from Russia’s sovereign wealth fund RDIF that is also marketing the vaccine globally. RDIF entered a partnership with Dr ...

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Wed, 15 Sep 2021 01:00:00 GMT

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The Nikkei average dropped 0.52% to 30511.71. On Tuesday it rose above its February peak to reach 30795.78 the highest level since August 1990.

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Wed, 15 Sep 2021 01:48:00 GMT

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Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Andorra | Angola | Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Bahamas | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Belize | Benin | Bhutan | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Botswana | Brazil | Brunei | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cabo Verde | Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Central African Republic | Chad | Chile | China | Colombia | Comoros | Congo Democratic Republic of the | Congo Republic of the | Costa Rica | Cote dIvoire | Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus | Czechia | Denmark | Djibouti | Dominica | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Estonia | Eswatini - Swaziland | Ethiopia | Fiji | Finland | France | Gabon | Gambia | Georgia | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Grenada | Guatemala | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Guyana | Haiti | Honduras | Hungary | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Jamaica | Japan | Jordan | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kiribati | Kosovo | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan | Laos | Latvia | Lebanon | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Madagascar | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Mauritius | Mexico | Micronesia | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Montenegro | Morocco | Mozambique | Myanmar - Burma | Namibia | Nauru | Nepal | Netherlands | New Zealand | Nicaragua | Niger | Nigeria | North Korea | North Macedonia - Macedonia | Norway | Oman | Pakistan | Palau | Palestine | Panama | Papua New Guinea | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Qatar | Romania | Russia | Rwanda | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Samoa | San Marino | Sao Tome and Principe | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Serbia | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia | Solomon Islands | Somalia | South Africa | South Korea | South Sudan | Spain | Sri Lanka | Sudan | Suriname | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | Taiwan | Tajikistan | Tanzania | Thailand | Timor-Leste | Togo | Tonga | Trinidad and Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan | Tuvalu | Uganda | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United States of America | Uruguay | Uzbekistan | Vanuatu | Vatican City - Holy See | Venezuela | Vietnam | Yemen | Zambia | Zimbabwe
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Headlines Newspaper

... data de 14.09.2021, Primăria Municipiului Piteşti a ...

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... în municipiul Pitești ...

Wed, 15 Sep 2021 00:00:00 +0300

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aePiot worldwide news

O femeie în vârstă de ... legii au constatat că acesta avea asupra lui un cuțit, cu care a amenințat că se va sinucide. Unul dintre polițiști a încercat să îl imobilizeze, dar a fost rănit. Bărbatul a ...

  G hidul L ocatarului Cel mai complex Ghid al Romanilor de pretutindeni. Cele mai căutate locuri de muncă din România. ...
