Wednesday, August 31, 2022

LEGO Rilis Replika Hogwarts Express dari Franchise 'Harry Potter'

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LEGO Rilis Replika Hogwarts Express dari Franchise 'Harry Potter'

LEGO Rilis Replika Hogwarts Express dari Franchise 'Harry Potter'

Thu, 18 Aug 2022 08:49:30 +0000

LEGO Rilis Replika Hogwarts Express dari Franchise 'Harry Potter'


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LEGO Rilis Replika Hogwarts Express dari Franchise 'Harry Potter'


Potterheads wajib cop.

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Illustrative Images from Sail
Illustrative Images from Sail
Arrestan en El Salvador a uno de los fugitivos más buscados en Estados Unidos: daba clases de inglés en una escuela local - CNN en Español - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:36:00 GMT Ende des Tankrabatts: Wie stark steigen die Spritpreise? - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:55:08 +0200
Comisión de Ética aprobó informe que recomienda 120 días de suspensión para congresista Freddy Díaz - RPP Noticias - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 14:05:44 GMT زيارة زابوريجيا.. "قافلة الطاقة الذرية" تتحرك أخيرا - Sky News Arabia سكاي نيوز عربية - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 04:52:22 GMT
Gorbachov y la Louis Vuitton - Thu, 01 Sep 2022 03:55:12 +0200 람보르기니, “2024년 초까지 생산량 이미 전부 다 팔렸다” - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 02:57:31 +0000
Ethiopia civil war: Why fighting has resumed in Tigray and Amhara - BBC - Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:11:28 GMT Maeva Ghennam : bientôt enceinte ? Sa mère lui mettrait la pression - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:20:11 +0000
Kommentar: Gode, umulige grep – VG - VG - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 15:47:07 GMT Количество случаев заражения оспой обезьян в мире превысило 50 тыс. - Thu, 01 Sep 2022 01:07:03 +0400

Sheet Music Plus Music for Woodwinds

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لافتات تحذيرية للأمريكيين تغرق نيويورك.. ما قصتها؟

مع اقتراب اعتزالها.. سر علاقة سيرينا ويليامز بدونالد ترامب

غوتيريش يبلغ مجلس الأمن بتعيين "باثيلي" مبعوثا أمميا لليبيا

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 03:37:03 +0400

Arabic language

غوتيريش يبلغ مجلس الأمن بتعيين "باثيلي" مبعوثا أمميا لليبيا


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غوتيريش يبلغ مجلس الأمن بتعيين "باثيلي" مبعوثا أمميا لليبيا


سمى الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة أنطونيو غوتيريش، السنغالي عبدالله باثيلي مبعوثا أمميا جديدا لدى ليبيا بعد 8 أشهر من فراغ المنصب الرفيع.

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Headlines: Arabic language

للشعور بالشبع وفقدان الوزن.. 5 أغذية أساسية

للشعور بالشبع وفقدان الوزن.. 5 أغذية أساسية

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:37:00 +0300

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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কর্তব্যরত পুলিশকর্মীকে পিষে দিয়ে চলে গেল গাড়ি, মর্মান্তিক দুর্ঘটনা ময়নাগুড়িতে

জমি বিবাদে পরিবার সমেত জ্যান্ত জ্বালিয়ে দেওয়ার হুমকি! কর্নাটকে মন্ত্রীর বিরুদ্ধে এফআইআর

অনুব্রত বিস্ফোরণ মামলায় হাজিরা দেবেন বৃহস্পতিবার, এক যুগ আগে কী হয়েছিল মঙ্গলকোটে

হংকংয়েই এল বিরাট ‘সূর্যো’দয়! শেষ চারে ভারত

পরীক্ষায় নম্বর দেননি স্যার, ঝাড়খণ্ডে গাছে বেঁধে পেটাল ছাত্ররা!

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:55:37 +0000

Bengali language

পরীক্ষায় নম্বর দেননি স্যার, ঝাড়খণ্ডে গাছে বেঁধে পেটাল ছাত্ররা!


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পরীক্ষায় নম্বর দেননি স্যার, ঝাড়খণ্ডে গাছে বেঁধে পেটাল ছাত্ররা!


দ্য ওয়াল ব্যুরো: নবম শ্রেণির প্র্যাকটিক্যাল পরীক্ষা (examination) ছিল। কিন্তু ফল বেরোনোর পর দেখা গেল, 'বেশি' নম্বর (marks) দেননি শিক্ষক। ফেল করেছে অনেকেই। সেই রাগেই অঙ্কের শিক্ষক (teacher) এবং স্কুলের এক কর্মীকে (clerk) গাছে বেঁধে (Tied to tree) বেদম

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Sheet Music Plus Music for Brass

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Headlines: Bengali language

কম লগ্নি করে মোটা টাকা উপার্জন করতে চাইলে আজই শুরু করুন এই ব্যবসা, হবে লাখ লাখ টাকা আয়!

মুম্বাইতে কদর নেই বাঙালির! সিনেমার প্রচারে স্বস্তিকার নাম ভুললেন পরিচালক, মোক্ষম জবাব দিয়ে বোঝালেন অভিনেত্রী

দেশাত্মবোধক ছবির ছড়াছড়ি, ৬৭ তম ফিল্মফেয়ার অনুষ্ঠানে কার কার হাতে উঠলো ব্ল্যাক লেডি! রইলো সম্পূর্ণ তালিকা

হাতে নেই ছবি, রাজমিস্ত্রির কাজ করছেন ঐশ্বর্য রাই! ভাইরাল ভিডিও দেখে হতভম্ব নেটপাড়া

হাতে নেই ছবি, রাজমিস্ত্রির কাজ করছেন ঐশ্বর্য রাই! ভাইরাল ভিডিও দেখে হতভম্ব নেটপাড়া

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:00:09 +0000

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Headlines from the web

Flatley says his 'mother would have loved' Blackbird -

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:06:34 GMT

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Health officials warn of major outbreaks of disease after severe floods in Pakistan - The Guardian

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:45:00 GMT

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Thu, 01 Sep 2022 10:33:17 +0800

Chinese language

Sheet Music Plus Music for Woodwinds



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Headlines: Chinese language

台湾“苹果新闻网”熄灯在即 员工转投新东家延续影响力

前苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫逝世 多方哀悼

中国军队赴俄军演 乌议员质疑乌中“战略伙伴关系”

乌克兰首次大规模反攻 欲收复乌南失地

乌克兰首次大规模反攻 欲收复乌南失地

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 06:48:35 +0000

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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Mom says husband should pay for boob job after 2 years of breastfeeding

South Dakota student to leave high school after being told to cut hair

House GOP chair Elise Stefanik calls for Twitter probe over censorship

Karine Jean-Pierre slams Ron DeSantis for joke about ‘little elf’ Dr. Fauci

Democrat Mary Peltola beats Sarah Palin in Alaska special election

Country star Luke Bell’s cause of death: bipolar disorder ‘got the better of him’

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:55:12 -0400

English language

Country star Luke Bell’s cause of death: bipolar disorder ‘got the better of him’


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Country star Luke Bell’s cause of death: bipolar disorder ‘got the better of him’


Bell could never find a solution to cope with his bipolar disorder and had gone missing in the past, he said.

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Headlines: English language

Greatest Virtual Data Rooms Designed for Acquiring Firms

Ambulance delays: B.C. child under 12 months suffers fatal cardiac arrest

Ambulance delays: B.C. child under 12 months suffers fatal cardiac arrest

Mon, 29 Aug 2022 10:12:06 +0000

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Headlines from the web

Папа: Бог створив нас вільними і хоче, щоб ми користувалися свободою


Wed, 31 Aug 2022 10:24:00 +0200

Headlines from the web

حادثة دار الأيتام في السعودية.. النيابة تتحرك و"حقوق الإنسان" تشكل فريق متابعة - الحرة

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:55:41 GMT

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Remise carburant, don de gamètes, allocs… Tout ce qui change au 1er septembre 2022

US Open : Caroline Garcia se qualifie facilement pour le 3e tour

Pourquoi les mathématiques sont-elles toujours aussi genrées à l’école ?

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:22:43 +0200

French language

Sheet Music Plus Piano Music

Pourquoi les maths restent une affaire d’hommes (et de barbecue) ?


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Pourquoi les maths restent une affaire d’hommes (et de barbecue) ?


En Terminale, 52 % des filles ont choisi d’arrêter la spécialité maths, contre 31 % des garçons

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Headlines: French language

US Open : Serena Williams déjoue les pronostics et se qualifie pour le troisième tour

Ligue 1 : le PSG, Lens et Marseille font la course en tête

Royaume-Uni : une primaire pour la succession de Boris Johnson déconnectée des préoccupations des Britanniques

Royaume-Uni : une primaire pour la succession de Boris Johnson déconnectée des préoccupations des Britanniques

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 01:19:26 +0000

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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Schloss Meseberg: Regierung kündigt umfangreiches Entlastungspaket an

Mehr Arbeitslose auch im August

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:12:08 +0200

German language


Mehr Arbeitslose auch im August | MDR.DE


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Mehr Arbeitslose auch im August | MDR.DE


Die Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland hat im August zugenommen. Vor allem auf dem Ausbildungsmarkt gibt es Diskrepanzen. Weniger Beschäftigte werden auch aus den mitteldeutschen Bundesländern gemeldet.

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Headlines: German language

Lufthansa-Piloten streiken am Freitag

UN: Mögliche Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit in Xinjiang

Haaland mit Hattrick zu Liga-Rekord – Liverpool siegt spät

Krawietz/Mies erreichen zweite Runde – Auch Murray weiter

Krawietz/Mies erreichen zweite Runde – Auch Murray weiter

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:09:15 +0000

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Headlines from the web

Affaire Paul Pogba : le Français aurait bien payé un marabout pour Mbappé -

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 14:13:00 GMT

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National Day pride in the heart of KL - The Star Online

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 22:58:04 GMT

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पाकिस्तानी प्रधानमंत्री शहबाज शरीफ ने पीएम मोदी का किया शुक्रिया, जानें क्या है वजह

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:11:00 +0530

Hindi language

पाकिस्तानी प्रधानमंत्री शहबाज शरीफ ने पीएम मोदी का किया शुक्रिया, जानें क्या है वजह


C o s m e t i c e - Parfumuri, cosmetice, creme terapeutice si accesorii.
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पाकिस्तानी प्रधानमंत्री शहबाज शरीफ ने पीएम मोदी का किया शुक्रिया, जानें क्या है वजह


शरीफ ने ट्वीट कर कहा कि मैं भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को बाढ़ के कारण हुए मानवीय और भौतिक नुकसान पर शोक जताने के लिए धन्यवाद देता हूं। अपने विशिष्ट गुणों के साथ पाकिस्तान के लोग, इंशाअल्लाह, इस प्राकृतिक आपदा के प्रतिकूल प्रभावों को दूर करेंगे और अपने जीवन तथा समुदायों का पुनर्निर्माण करेंगे।

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Headlines: Hindi language

भास्कर अपडेट्स:इजरायल की सीरिया के अलेप्पो समेत 2 एयरपोर्ट पर एयर स्ट्राइक, हथियार लेकर पहुंचे ईरान के विमान को निशाना बनाया

अमेरिका ने 400 चिनूक हेलिकॉप्टर्स की उड़ान रोकी:US आर्मी ने कहा- इंजन में खराबी की वजह से आग लगने का खतरा; भारत ने रिपोर्ट मांगी

भारत से मदद मांगेगा पाकिस्तान:सब्जियां और अनाज इम्पोर्ट कर सकती है शाहबाज सरकार; मोदी ने बाढ़ से हालात पर जताया था दुख

भारत से मदद मांगेगा पाकिस्तान:सब्जियां और अनाज इम्पोर्ट कर सकती है शाहबाज सरकार; मोदी ने बाढ़ से हालात पर जताया था दुख

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:43:22 +0530

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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L’Ue sospende i visti agevolati, Mosca: reagiremo L’Ungheria firma un accordo con i russi sul gas

Thu, 1 Sep 2022 00:28:16 +0200

Italian language

L’Ue sospende i visti agevolati, Mosca: «Reagiremo». Orban firma un accordo con i russi sul gas


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L’Ue sospende i visti agevolati, Mosca: «Reagiremo». Orban firma un accordo con i russi sul gas


L’Ungheria firma un contratto con Gazprom. Il colosso energetico registra conti record nel primo semestre e stacca un acconto sui dividendi da 20 miliardi di euro

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Headlines: Italian language

Saipem, ecco perché Eni e Cdp hanno silurato Caio

Alessandro Puliti, ecco il curriculum di chi prende il posto di Caio in Saipem

Perché gas e tecnologie low-carbon saranno cruciali per il Net Zero

L’inflazione si allarga a macchia d’olio, ecco come e perché

Ita Airways: il governo atterra Msc e Lufthansa, avanti tutta con Certares, Delta e Air France

Ita Airways: il governo atterra Msc e Lufthansa, avanti tutta con Certares, Delta e Air France

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 09:30:00 +0000

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Headlines from the web

Yenifer Paredes es trasladada al Penal de Mujeres de Chorrillos para cumplir prisión preventiva - El Comercio Perú

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 20:52:57 GMT

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Slik har russerne blitt lurt trill rundt: – Kaster bort missiler de har få av - Nettavisen

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 14:18:26 GMT

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台風11号、再び猛烈に発達 先島諸島は3日に猛烈な風か 激しい雨の恐れも【1日午前11時30分】 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

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[沖縄days]台風接近中 強風に備え、ロープで固定 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

ウィズコロナ3年目 出口戦略を聞く(9)欧米認知で価値高める 「酒蔵ツーリズム」に期待 - ウィズコロナ3年目 出口戦略を聞く

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 10:27:00 +0900

Japanese language

ウィズコロナ3年目 出口戦略を聞く(9)欧米認知で価値高める 「酒蔵ツーリズム」に期待 | ウィズコロナ3年目 出口戦略を聞く | 沖縄タイムス+プラス


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ウィズコロナ3年目 出口戦略を聞く(9)欧米認知で価値高める 「酒蔵ツーリズム」に期待 | ウィズコロナ3年目 出口戦略を聞く | 沖縄タイムス+プラス


沖縄県酒造組合会長 佐久本学氏 -コロナ禍でどのような影響があったか。 「スーパーなど、県内消費と土産などの観光消費があるが、観光は9割ほど売り上げが落ち込んだ。飲食店も5割ほど落ち込んだのではないか。スーパーなどの商品は利益率が低く古酒などの土産品は逆に高い。

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Headlines: Japanese language

日本がカザフに25点差快勝 約5千人が観戦、バスケW杯沖縄開催まで1年

沖縄の有効求人倍率1.01倍 2年3カ月ぶり1倍超

7月の沖縄観光客数60万人 前年比42%増

7月の沖縄観光客数60万人 前年比42%増

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 00:24:10 +0900

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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01H00 - Edição de Cláudia Almeida

Reino Unido. Economia domina último debate entre Liz Truss e Rishi Sunak

Relatório da ONU sobre região chinesa de Xinjiang indica possíveis crimes contra a humanidade

Marques Mendes acredita numa vitória do PSD nas próximas legislativas

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:44:46 +0000

Portuguese language

Sheet Music Plus Band Music

Marques Mendes acredita numa vitória do PSD nas próximas legislativas


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Marques Mendes acredita numa vitória do PSD nas próximas legislativas


Luís Marques Mendes acredita numa vitória do PSD nas europeias de 2024 e nas próximas legislativas.

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Headlines: Portuguese language

Regresso às aulas, o desporto e o bem-estar dos mais novos

Quais os cuidados a ter com anticoagulantes?

Escova progressiva: cabelo liso e hidratado por meses

Escova progressiva: cabelo liso e hidratado por meses

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 22:05:03 +0000

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캐시 에거, 나이키 덩크 로우 '유니버시티 블루'를 활용한 퍼즐 출시


Wed, 10 Aug 2022 05:14:20 +0000

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渡邊雄太が NBA ブルックリン・ネッツと契約


Mon, 29 Aug 2022 01:11:21 +0000

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Mai sunt două zile până la Analogue Festival!

Accident pe A1 București - Pitești. Circulația rutieră este blocată pe ambele benzi

Atenţionări de ploi abundente în 35 de judeţe şi în Capitală, până joi dimineaţa

Accident mortal de muncă în Pitești

Piața Ceair, închisă temporar

Stații amenajate în cadrul transportului metropolitan de persoane, la Pitești!

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 00:00:00 +0300

Romanian language

Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e

Stații amenajate în cadrul transportului metropolitan de persoane, la Pitești!


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Stații amenajate în cadrul transportului metropolitan de persoane, la Pitești!


Primăria Municipiului Pitești, prin Administrația Domeniului Public, execută în această perioadă amenajarea a 6 stații de îmbarcare/debarcare călători pe raza municipiului Pitești, ce vor fi utilizate de operatorul de transport SC Publitrans 2000 SA pentru efectuarea curselor regulate pe traseul municipiul Pitești – comuna Mărăcineni, în cadrul transportului metropolitan de persoane, locații ce au fost avizate în Comisia de organizare a circulației rutiere și pietonale, din data de 18.08.2022. Locațiile sunt: - Calea București – alveola din zona Colegiului Tehnic „Armand Călinescu”; - Calea București – alveola din zona hotelului „Ramada”; - Calea Câmpulung – alveola din zona Administrației Bazinale de Apă Argeș Vedea; - Calea Câmpulung – alveola aflată după intersecția cu strada Paul Dicu; - Calea Câmpulung – alveola din zona Uzinei de Apă; - Calea Câmpulung – alveola din dreptul magazinului „Slava”.

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Headlines: Romanian language

Proiect ZF/OTP Bank. From Vis To Biz. Cristina Budu, proprietara Lindec, companie din sectorul construcţiilor: Vedem o scădere a preţurilor la materialele de construcţii, proiectele amânate încep să fie reluate

ZF Logistica Businessului, un proiect ZF & Element Industrial. Loredana Apreutese, International Alexander: Suntem în curs de dezvoltare a unei platforme e-commerce, o vom lansa cel târziu în octombrie

Gen Z. De ce nu-şi găsesc tinerii mai uşor un job? România, la coada Europei privind participarea tinerilor aflaţi încă la studii în piaţa forţei de muncă. Sistemul de educaţie şi chiar oferta de joburi, printre principalele provocări

Ce a însemnat pentru economia României căderea comunismului: PIB-ul a crescut de şapte ori din 1990, dar 4 milioane de români au părăsit ţara

Dezastru pe piaţa laptelui: la Mega sau Carrefour preţul laptelui ajunge la 10 lei/litru, dar fermierii primesc 1,6 lei/litru şi au ajuns să-şi taie vacile pentru că sunt nevoiţi să închidă fermele. Importurile de lapte şi smântână au sărit de 100 mil. euro în 2021, valoare care s-a dublat într-un deceniu

Dezastru pe piaţa laptelui: la Mega sau Carrefour preţul laptelui ajunge la 10 lei/litru, dar fermierii primesc 1,6 lei/litru şi au ajuns să-şi taie vacile pentru că sunt nevoiţi să închidă fermele. Importurile de lapte şi smântână au sărit de 100 mil. euro în 2021, valoare care s-a dublat într-un deceniu

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:07:00 GMT

Romanian language

Ion Georgescu, primar al orașului Mioveni: PSD propune măsuri concrete de gestionare a situației energetice pe timp de iarnă!


Operatorii din domeniul energiei nu au răspuns corect la decizia Guvernului de a compensa facturile, afirmă Ion Georgescu, primar al orașului Mioveni, membru al BPJ al PSD Argeș, și au continuat să majoreze speculativ prețurile, dovedindu-se încă o dată că liberalizarea haotică a pieței energiei, inițiată de guvernarea de dreapta, a fost o decizie aberantă. "Soluția corectă este cea propusă de PSD: reglementarea temporară a prețurilor la energie. În acest sens, PSD propune reglementarea în două trepte. 1. Septembrie – 31 decembrie 2022: Pentru energia deja vândută – o compensare dintre prețul facturilor și un preț mediu al pieței, nu la prețuri speculative; 2. De la 1 ianuarie: reglementarea prețurilor practicate și a adaosului comercial, pe o durată determinată, cu actualizări periodice în funcție de costurile de producție. PSD se va asigura că Guvernul va continua să îi susțină pe consumatorii casnici și în special pe cei cu venituri mici, astfel încât la acest nivel să nu aibă loc modificări ale prețurilor din facturi!", afirmă Ion Georgescu.

English language

Ion Georgescu, mayor of Mioveni: PSD proposes concrete measures to manage the energy situation in winter!

The energy operators did not respond correctly to the Government's decision to offset the bills, says Ion Georgescu, mayor of Mioveni, member of BPJ of PSD Argeș, and continued to raise prices speculatively, proving once again that the chaotic liberalization of of the energy market, initiated by the right-wing government, was an aberrant decision. "The correct solution is the one proposed by PSD: the temporary regulation of energy prices. In this sense, PSD proposes regulation in two stages. 1. September - December 31, 2022: For energy already sold - a compensation between the invoice price and an average price of the market, not at speculative prices; 2. From 1 January: regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined period, with periodic updates according to production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu. the regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined duration, with periodic updates according to the production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu. the regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined duration, with periodic updates according to the production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu.

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P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


Interior lleva al País Vasco a los sanguinarios etarras Txapote y Parot entre duras críticas

La hermana de Miguel Ángel Blanco lo califica de "insoportable humillación"

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 20:33:27 +0200

Spanish language

La hermana de Miguel Ángel Blanco, sobre el acercamiento de 'Txapote': "Insoportable la humillación hacia las víctimas"


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La hermana de Miguel Ángel Blanco, sobre el acercamiento de 'Txapote': "Insoportable la humillación hacia las víctimas"


María del Mar Blanco, hermana del concejal del PP Miguel Ángel Blanco asesinado por ETA en 1997, ha señalado este miércoles que "la humillación de este Gobierno hacia las víctimas" es "insoportable", tras conocer la decisión del Ministerio del Interior de acercar al País Vasco a 13 presos por terrorismo, incluido el asesino de su hermano, Francisco Javier García Gaztelu, alias 'Txapote'.

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Headlines: Spanish language

El Papa: Gorbachov, compromiso visionario por la fraternidad entre los pueblos

La sobrina del Papa Luciani: nuestro último encuentro antes del Cónclave

La sobrina del Papa Luciani: nuestro último encuentro antes del Cónclave

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:12:00 +0200

P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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