Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Pedestrian killed after being hit by car in Melbourne’s Berwick on Wednesday

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Pedestrian killed after being hit by car in Melbourne’s Berwick on Wednesday

Pedestrian killed after being hit by car in Melbourne’s Berwick on Wednesday

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:52:15 GMT

Pedestrian killed after being hit by car in Melbourne’s southeast


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Pedestrian killed after being hit by car in Melbourne’s southeast


A walking frame and bag of groceries were strewn across the scene of the tragedy.

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Illustrative Images from Sail
Illustrative Images from Sail
Gupta brothers still behind bars, Lamola tells Parliament - News24 - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:18:13 GMT വഖഫ് ബോർഡ് നിയമനത്തിന് പി എസ് സി: പിൻവലിക്കാനുള്ള കരട് ബില്ലിന് മന്ത്രിസഭാ അംഗീകാരം | - siraj daily - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:23:45 GMT
לא ידע כיצד להיות צאר: המורשת השנויה במחלוקת של מיכאיל גורבצ'וב - וואלה! חדשות - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 09:38:00 GMT Financial Institutions, Government Officials to Work Together on Housing Development Financing - 2merkato - Ethiopian Business Portal - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 20:49:33 GMT
לא ידע כיצד להיות צאר: המורשת השנויה במחלוקת של מיכאיל גורבצ'וב - וואלה! חדשות - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 09:38:00 GMT "سناب شات" تسرح 20 % من موظفيها والسبب..! - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 22:19:35 GMT
Shame: గిరిజన బాలికకు టార్చర్​.. నాలుకతో టాయిలెట్ క్లీన్​ చేయించిన బీజేపీ మహిళా నేత​ - Prabha News - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 07:32:31 GMT Cuba garantiza disponibilidad de empleos para su desarrollo - Radio Florida, Noticias y Actualidades de Florida - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:02:19 GMT
Government yet to settle ¢4.33bn public sector SSNIT contributions - 2021 Auditor-General's Report - Myjoyonline - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 07:18:45 GMT باكستان قبل الفيضانات وبعدها.. صور الأقمار الصناعية تظهر حجم الدمار والأرقام تتحدث عن الكارثة - الجزيرة نت - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:19:05 GMT

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20 ألف إسباني يدفعون 240 ألف دولار لإهدار 130 طن طماطم.. ما القصة؟

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 02:38:28 +0400

Arabic language

20 ألف إسباني يدفعون 240 ألف دولار لإهدار 130 طن طماطم.. ما القصة؟


Sheet Music Plus Music for Woodwinds

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20 ألف إسباني يدفعون 240 ألف دولار لإهدار 130 طن طماطم.. ما القصة؟


كأنما تجري من تحتهم الأنهار. وهي هذه المرة ليست ماء عذبا، وإنما عصارة الطماطم. اللون الأحمر يطغى على كل شيء.

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Headlines: Arabic language

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الشعبيّة تهنّئ الأسير عواودة بانتصاره على السجّان وتدعو لإسناد الأسرى في معركتهم 

نبيه بري: سنبقى إلى جانب الشعب الفلسطيني في نضاله ضد العدو

نبيه بري: سنبقى إلى جانب الشعب الفلسطيني في نضاله ضد العدو

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 22:21:00 +0300

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


কর্তব্যরত পুলিশকর্মীকে পিষে দিয়ে চলে গেল গাড়ি, মর্মান্তিক দুর্ঘটনা ময়নাগুড়িতে

জমি বিবাদে পরিবার সমেত জ্যান্ত জ্বালিয়ে দেওয়ার হুমকি! কর্নাটকে মন্ত্রীর বিরুদ্ধে এফআইআর

অনুব্রত বিস্ফোরণ মামলায় হাজিরা দেবেন বৃহস্পতিবার, এক যুগ আগে কী হয়েছিল মঙ্গলকোটে

হংকংয়েই এল বিরাট ‘সূর্যো’দয়! শেষ চারে ভারত

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 17:27:03 +0000

Bengali language

হংকংয়েই এল বিরাট ‘সূর্যো’দয়! শেষ চারে ভারত


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হংকংয়েই এল বিরাট ‘সূর্যো’দয়! শেষ চারে ভারত


দ্য ওয়াল ব্যুরো: হংকংকে হারিয়ে এশিয়া কাপের শেষ চারে চলে গেল ভারত (India vs Hong Kong)। প্রত্যাশা ছিলই। সেই মতই ৪ পয়েন্ট নিয়ে গ্রুপে প্রথম স্থান নিশ্চিত করল টিম ইন্ডিয়া। প্রতিপক্ষ হিসেবে হংকং হয়তো তেমন কঠিন ছিল না ভারতের সামনে। সহজ জয় পেলেন রো

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Headlines: Bengali language

দলের বোলিং নিয়ে খুশি নন রোহিত

বলাৎকারের চেষ্টার পর দায় চাপালেন শয়তানের ঘাড়ে

‘১৫ আগস্ট হত্যার মূল পরিকল্পনাকারীদের মুখোশ উন্মোচনের সময় এসেছে’

গ্যালারিতে হাঁটু গেড়ে বসে বান্ধবীকে বিয়ের প্রস্তাব

গ্যালারিতে হাঁটু গেড়ে বসে বান্ধবীকে বিয়ের প্রস্তাব

Thu, 1 Sep 2022 02:11:39 GMT

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Headlines from the web

Ataque a molino Grollmus: Gobierno se querella por homicidio frustrado y descarta Ley Antiterrorista - BioBioChile

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:01:32 GMT

Headlines from the web

Il governo tiene ancora un piede in Ita


Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:37:00 GMT

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前苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫去世 北京反应低调



Thu, 01 Sep 2022 04:52:26 +0800

Chinese language



C o s m e t i c e - Parfumuri, cosmetice, creme terapeutice si accesorii.
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Headlines: Chinese language



Wed, 31 Aug 2022 05:16:00 +0300

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


Biden ‘securing border’ from fentanyl despite record overdoses: Jean-Pierre

Man, 33, charged with rape of Indiana University student who was found dead

Inside the relationship between Australian murderer Chris Dawson and his twin, Paul

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 17:56:21 -0400

English language

Sheet Music Plus Choral Music

Inside the relationship between Australian murderer Chris Dawson and his twin, Paul


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Inside the relationship between Australian murderer Chris Dawson and his twin, Paul


For almost all of their existence, the twins have essentially led parallel lives. But that all changed on Tuesday when Chris was found guilty of murdering his first wife Lynette 40 years ago.

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Headlines: English language

Iran seeks stronger U.S. guarantees for revival of 2015 nuclear deal

Turkish economy grew 7.6 percent in second quarter

Indian economy can touch $20 trillion by 2047

Istanbul introduces special travel pass for tourists

Iran, Türkiye follow up bilateral issues via joint working group: Minister

Iran, Türkiye follow up bilateral issues via joint working group: Minister

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:16:41 +0400

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Headlines from the web

"لو كان لديّ رجل كسعود الفيصل".. مقولة غورباتشوف التي يتذكّرها العالم اليوم - صحيفة سبق

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:54:10 GMT

Headlines from the web

امیرعبداللهیان: ما بر تعمیق مناسبات دو کشور براساس حسن تفاهم، اعتماد، ومنافع متقابل دو کشور تاکید کردیم


Mon, 04 Jul 2022 14:25:00 +0400

Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


Pourquoi les mathématiques sont-elles toujours aussi genrées à l’école ?

Toulouse FC - PSG : Les Parisiens reprennent leur marche en avant en battant facilement Toulouse... Le match à revivre en direct

Nord : Le policier, auteur d’un tir mortel lors d’un contrôle routier, mis en examen

Mort de Charlbi Dean : Une « tragédie » pour le réalisateur de la Palme d’or 2022 Ruben Östlund

OM - Clermont Foot : Les Marseillais dominent les Clermontois et confirment leur très bon début de saison…

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 23:02:08 +0200

French language

OM - Clermont Foot : Les Marseillais dominent les Clermontois et confirment leur très bon début de saison…


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OM - Clermont Foot : Les Marseillais dominent les Clermontois et confirment leur très bon début de saison…


L’Olympique de Marseille a battu le Clermont Foot (1-0) ce mercredi au stade Vélodrome pour la 5e journée de Ligue 1

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Headlines: French language

L'OGC Nice s'offre sa première victoire en s'imposant à Lille 2-1

Mort de Mikhaïl Gorbatchev: les Occidentaux lui rendent hommage, la Russie, un peu moins

Mort de Mikhaïl Gorbatchev: les Occidentaux lui rendent hommage, la Russie, un peu moins

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 22:16:00 +0200

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


Schloss Meseberg: Regierung kündigt umfangreiches Entlastungspaket an

Mehr Arbeitslose auch im August

Lauterbach will 1.000 Gesundheitskioske einrichten

Grünen-Politiker Hans-Christian Ströbele gestorben

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 17:23:56 +0200

German language


Grünen-Politiker Hans-Christian Ströbele gestorben | MDR.DE


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Grünen-Politiker Hans-Christian Ströbele gestorben | MDR.DE


Hans-Christian Ströbele gewann für die Grünen das erste Direktmandat für den Bundestag, als Anwalt verteidigte er führende Köpfe der RAF. Nun ist Hans-Christian Ströbele im Alter von 83 Jahren gestorben.

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Headlines: German language

Drei neue Vorstände benannt

Stadt verteidigt Schließung von Kiezbad am Stern

Stadtpolitiker kritisieren Libeskind-Werkstatt

Erhebliche Mehrkosten – auch durch Dürresommer

Brandenburger Bauern warnen vor schwierigem Jahr  

Mordprozess in Potsdam beginnt Ende September

Einmaliger Heizkostenzuschuss in Brandenburg

Einmaliger Heizkostenzuschuss in Brandenburg

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:42:23 +0200

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Headlines from the web

Gorbachev’s death cracks open Europe’s Russian divide - POLITICO Europe

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:13:21 GMT

Headlines from the web

Etex Building Performance, producătorul de sisteme de gips-carton, tencuieli și gleturi, investește 1 milion de euro în modernizarea fabricii de la Aghireșu


Wed, 31 Aug 2022 15:51:13 +0000

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P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


पाकिस्तानी प्रधानमंत्री शहबाज शरीफ ने पीएम मोदी का किया शुक्रिया, जानें क्या है वजह

Mikhail Gorbachev: सत्‍ता से हटने के बाद पिज्‍जा के इस मशहूर ब्रांड का किया था ऐड, देखिए वीडियो

यह कैसा कानून? बेटी के हाथों मां को दिलवाई गई फांसी की सजा, 13 साल बाद हुई थी मुलाकात

पाकिस्तान में बाढ़ से बुरा हाल, 20 लाख एकड़ में फैली फसल बर्बाद

मिखाइल गोर्बाचेव जिनकी आंखों के सामने बिखरा सोवियत संघ, बिना रक्तपात के शीत युद्ध को करा दिया था समाप्त

दुनिया की खूबसूरत 'प्रिंसेज डायना' की रहस्‍यमय जिंदगी और दर्दनाक मौत की दास्‍तान!

इंडोनेशिया के बाली में जी20 मंत्रिस्तरीय बैठक, विकासशील देशों के प्रतिनिधि ले रहे हिस्सा

नहीं रहे सोवियत संघ के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति मिखाइल गोर्बाचेव, 91 वर्ष की उम्र में ली अंतिम सांस

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 10:59:00 +0530

Hindi language

नहीं रहे सोवियत संघ के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति मिखाइल गोर्बाचेव, 91 वर्ष की उम्र में ली अंतिम सांस


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नहीं रहे सोवियत संघ के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति मिखाइल गोर्बाचेव, 91 वर्ष की उम्र में ली अंतिम सांस


सोवियत संघ के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति मिखाइल गोर्बाचेव का निधनव हो गया।रूसी समाचार एजेंसी ‘तास’, ‘आरआईए नोवोस्ती’ और ‘इंटरफेक्स’ ने ‘सेंट्रल क्लीनिकल हॉस्पिटल’ के हवाले से गोर्बाचेव के निधन की जानकारी दी। गोर्बाचेव के कार्यालय ने पहले बताया था कि अस्पताल में उनका उपचार किया जा रहा है।

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Headlines: Hindi language

Aligarh News: दूसरी बार रची गई पूर्व विधायक प्रमोद गौड़ की हत्या की साजिश, अब किस करवट बैठेगी खैर की राजनीति

LAC | भारत और चीन के बीच पूर्वी लद्दाख में सैन्य वार्ता, अब भी LAC पर तैनात हैं 60 हजार जवान | Navabharat (नवभारत)

Aligarh News: खैर चेयरमैन ने रची पूर्व विधायक की हत्या की साजिश, पुलिस ने संजीव अग्रवाल समेत छह दबोचे

Karthik Kumar Resigns | गन्ना उद्योग मंत्री कार्तिक कुमार ने दिया इस्तीफा, मुख्यमंत्री नितीश ने कल बदला था विभाग | Navabharat (नवभारत)

पार्थ चटर्जी और अर्पिता मुखर्जी की नहीं हुईं मुश्किलें कम, फिर 14 दिन की जेल

नीतीश के मंत्री कार्तिक सिंह ने अपने पद से दिया इस्तीफा, आज ही बदला गया था विभाग

PM मोदी 10 सितंबर को विज्ञान-प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रियों के सम्मेलन का…

Asia Cup 2022: बल्लेबाजों की धमक से सुपर-4 में पहुंची टीम इंडिया, कोहली-सूर्या के तूफान में उड़ा हॉन्गकॉन्ग

Asia Cup 2022: बल्लेबाजों की धमक से सुपर-4 में पहुंची टीम इंडिया, कोहली-सूर्या के तूफान में उड़ा हॉन्गकॉन्ग

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 17:35:00 +0000

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


Covid, la quarantena passa da 7 a 5 giorni  per gli asintomatici: c’è la circolare

Tragedia ad Avezzano:  cede trave dell’altalena,  muore bambina di 12 anni

Inflazione all’8,4%, choc d’autunno ai prezzi Voli, libri, caffè: 600 euro di spesa in più Allarme prezzi nei supermercati e negozi

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:32:23 +0200

Italian language

Inflazione all’8,4%, ma lo choc sarà in autunno: 600 euro in più per la spesa. Voli, libri e caffè, rincari top


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Inflazione all’8,4%, ma lo choc sarà in autunno: 600 euro in più per la spesa. Voli, libri e caffè, rincari top


La crisi energetica si aggrava e l’inflazione aumenta. A settembre, al rientro dalle vacanze, molti beni e servizi avranno raggiunto un costo preoccupante: oltre a quelli direttamente collegati alle materie prime energetiche (carburanti e bollette), anche libri e zaini per la scuola

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Headlines: Italian language

Luca Veneri, quanti ricordi: "Le vittorie, il cinque mancato, Gori e Sganappa. Ma ora la Giostra me la godo di più"

Dramma della strada: motociclista perde la vita in un incidente

Dramma della strada: motociclista perde la vita in un incidente

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:33:02 +0200

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Headlines from the web

Cm Kcr Meets nitish kumar: బీజేపీ ముక్త్‌ భారత్‌ను నితీశ్‌ కూడా కోరుకుంటున్నారు - ఆంధ్రజ్యోతి

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:02:35 GMT

Headlines from the web

وكالة الطاقة الذرية تريد تفادي حادث نووي في زاباروجيا ومسؤول ألماني يحذر من الاستخفاف بقوة روسيا - الجزيرة نت

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:31:36 GMT

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サンエーの食品棚もガラガラ 台風11号に備えて詰めかけた買い物客 「来るのが遅かった」  - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

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社説[概算要求2798億円]「強い沖縄経済」どこへ - 社説

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 07:06:00 +0900

Japanese language

Sheet Music Plus Music for Brass

社説[概算要求2798億円]「強い沖縄経済」どこへ | 社説 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス


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社説[概算要求2798億円]「強い沖縄経済」どこへ | 社説 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス


 内閣府は、2023年度沖縄関係予算の概算要求を2798億円とすることを決めた。県の求めを約400億円下回る額で、2年続けて3千億円を割り込んだ。 11日投開票の知事選を強く意識した政治的思惑が見え隠れする。

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Headlines: Japanese language

ゴルバチョフ氏が91歳大往生! 秘訣は「お酒」とプーチン政権との「絶妙な距離感」

女子キックの新鋭・Kihoが描く壮大な夢 風香プロデューサーが助言「プロレス見たら華やかさは勉強になる」


久保建英がコンディション不良か 〝お得意様〟との対戦前に暗雲漂う=地元メディア報道

久保建英がコンディション不良か 〝お得意様〟との対戦前に暗雲漂う=地元メディア報道

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:15:05 +0000

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


23h00 - Edição de Cláudia Almeida

Benfica revela que Morato sofreu "entorse traumática" no tornozelo direito

22h00 - Edição de Cláudia Almeida

Gorbatchov. Percurso do último presidente soviético em análise no Telejornal

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:40:51 +0000

Portuguese language

Gorbatchov. Percurso do último presidente soviético em análise no Telejornal


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Gorbatchov. Percurso do último presidente soviético em análise no Telejornal


Evgueni Mouravitch, há anos correspondente da RTP em Moscovo, e João de Deus Pinheiro, ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros no tempo do colapso do comunismo, fizeram no Telejornal uma leitura do percurso e influência de Mikhail Gorbatchov no curso da história do mundo e da União Soviética.

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Headlines: Portuguese language

Escova progressiva: cabelo liso e hidratado por meses

Aprenda a limpar calcário como um verdadeiro profissional

Trabalho pós-pandemia: setores com mais emprego

Mesa de cabeceira organizada: dicas fáceis para manter a ordem

Mesa de cabeceira organizada: dicas fáceis para manter a ordem

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:00:00 +0000

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Headlines from the web

Ucraina. Sfântul Scaun: Papa apără viața, nu asumă poziții politice


Tue, 30 Aug 2022 12:07:00 +0200

Headlines from the web

Solar case: Rosmah files last minute application to recuse judge - New Straits Times

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 06:52:55 GMT

Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


Mai sunt două zile până la Analogue Festival!

Accident pe A1 București - Pitești. Circulația rutieră este blocată pe ambele benzi

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 00:00:00 +0300

Romanian language

Accident pe A1 București - Pitești. Circulația rutieră este blocată pe ambele benzi


Sheet Music Plus Classical Music

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Accident pe A1 București - Pitești. Circulația rutieră este blocată pe ambele benzi


Accident pe A1 București - Pitești. Circulația rutieră este blocată pe ambele benzi Traficul se desfășoară cu dificultate, în coloane pe ambele sensuri, miercuri, pe Autostrada A1 București - Pitești, în zona localității Cățeasca, din județul Argeș, din cauza unui TIR care a intrat în glisierele mediene. ​Centrul Infotrafic din Inspectoratul General al Poliției Române informează că pe Autostrada A1 București-Pitești, la kilometrul 95, în zona localitatea Cățeasca, județul Argeș, șoferul unui TIR care se deplasa către Capitală a pierdut controlul volanului pe carosabilul umed și a intrat în glisierele mediane. Nu au fost victime. Circulația rutieră este blocată pe ambele benzi ale sensului de mers către București, desfășurându-se pe cea de urgență, iar în direcția către Pitești este restricționată pe cea de-a doua bandă. Valorile de trafic sunt ridicate, formându-se coloane de autovehicule pe ambele sensuri de mers.

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Headlines: Romanian language

Război în Ucraina, ziua 190. Rusia a primit, prin intermediul Iranului, o propunere secretă de pace de la un lider european

Mircea Badea, accident în drum spre emisiune. "Am o mașină foarte, foarte veche. Un fel de tanc"

Pe piață, preţul laptelui ajunge la 10 lei/litru, dar fermierii primesc 1,65 lei/litru. Au ajuns să stea la coadă să-şi taie vacile, nevoiţi să închidă fermele

Pe piață, preţul laptelui ajunge la 10 lei/litru, dar fermierii primesc 1,65 lei/litru. Au ajuns să stea la coadă să-şi taie vacile, nevoiţi să închidă fermele

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 23:31:00 +0300

Romanian language

Ion Georgescu, primar al orașului Mioveni: PSD propune măsuri concrete de gestionare a situației energetice pe timp de iarnă!


Operatorii din domeniul energiei nu au răspuns corect la decizia Guvernului de a compensa facturile, afirmă Ion Georgescu, primar al orașului Mioveni, membru al BPJ al PSD Argeș, și au continuat să majoreze speculativ prețurile, dovedindu-se încă o dată că liberalizarea haotică a pieței energiei, inițiată de guvernarea de dreapta, a fost o decizie aberantă. "Soluția corectă este cea propusă de PSD: reglementarea temporară a prețurilor la energie. În acest sens, PSD propune reglementarea în două trepte. 1. Septembrie – 31 decembrie 2022: Pentru energia deja vândută – o compensare dintre prețul facturilor și un preț mediu al pieței, nu la prețuri speculative; 2. De la 1 ianuarie: reglementarea prețurilor practicate și a adaosului comercial, pe o durată determinată, cu actualizări periodice în funcție de costurile de producție. PSD se va asigura că Guvernul va continua să îi susțină pe consumatorii casnici și în special pe cei cu venituri mici, astfel încât la acest nivel să nu aibă loc modificări ale prețurilor din facturi!", afirmă Ion Georgescu.

English language

Ion Georgescu, mayor of Mioveni: PSD proposes concrete measures to manage the energy situation in winter!

The energy operators did not respond correctly to the Government's decision to offset the bills, says Ion Georgescu, mayor of Mioveni, member of BPJ of PSD Argeș, and continued to raise prices speculatively, proving once again that the chaotic liberalization of of the energy market, initiated by the right-wing government, was an aberrant decision. "The correct solution is the one proposed by PSD: the temporary regulation of energy prices. In this sense, PSD proposes regulation in two stages. 1. September - December 31, 2022: For energy already sold - a compensation between the invoice price and an average price of the market, not at speculative prices; 2. From 1 January: regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined period, with periodic updates according to production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu. the regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined duration, with periodic updates according to the production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu. the regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined duration, with periodic updates according to the production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu.

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


Interior lleva al País Vasco a los sanguinarios etarras Txapote y Parot entre duras críticas

La hermana de Miguel Ángel Blanco lo califica de "insoportable humillación"

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 20:33:27 +0200

Spanish language

La hermana de Miguel Ángel Blanco, sobre el acercamiento de 'Txapote': "Insoportable la humillación hacia las víctimas"


C o s m e t i c e - Parfumuri, cosmetice, creme terapeutice si accesorii.
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La hermana de Miguel Ángel Blanco, sobre el acercamiento de 'Txapote': "Insoportable la humillación hacia las víctimas"


María del Mar Blanco, hermana del concejal del PP Miguel Ángel Blanco asesinado por ETA en 1997, ha señalado este miércoles que "la humillación de este Gobierno hacia las víctimas" es "insoportable", tras conocer la decisión del Ministerio del Interior de acercar al País Vasco a 13 presos por terrorismo, incluido el asesino de su hermano, Francisco Javier García Gaztelu, alias 'Txapote'.

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Headlines: Spanish language

La rotura del casco del buque 'OS 35' provoca una fuga de aceite lubricante

La rotura del casco del buque 'OS 35' provoca una fuga de aceite lubricante

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 23:07:03 +0200

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Covid-19/Maroc : 20 cas sévères admis en REA à l'échelle nationale et 3 sous respiration artificielle - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:10:29 +0000 وكالة الطاقة الذرية تريد تفادي حادث نووي في زاباروجيا ومسؤول ألماني يحذر من الاستخفاف بقوة روسيا - الجزيرة نت - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:31:36 GMT
விநாயகர் சதுர்த்தி விழா கோலாகல கொண்டாட்டம்; கோயில்களில் திரண்ட பக்தர்கள் - Dinamalar - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:08:00 GMT The Front Page: How bad Government comms blew chance to fix KiwiSaver loophole - New Zealand Herald - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 17:00:00 GMT
Ontario 5-day COVID isolation rules scrapped | CTV News - CTV News Toronto - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 17:44:00 GMT Skärpta verkstadskrav minskar trängseln på Öresundstågen – Sydsvenskan - Sydsvenskan - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:30:00 GMT
Tg1 ore 23:45 del 31/08/2022 - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 22:09:53 GMT Tudor Scales Down Favorite Dive Watch With Pelagos 39 - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 15:24:53 +0000
Etex Building Performance, producătorul de sisteme de gips-carton, tencuieli și gleturi, investește 1 milion de euro în modernizarea fabricii de la Aghireșu - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 15:51:13 +0000 சென்னை, புறநகரில் விநாயகர் சதுர்த்தி விழா... விமரிசை! வீதிக்கு வீதி சிலை வைத்து சிறப்பு வழிபாடு - Dinamalar - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 17:15:00 GMT
Illustrative Images from Sail
Illustrative Images from Sail
Headlines from the web: Tg1 ore 23:45 del 31/08/2022 - Wed, 31 Aug 2022 22:09:53 GMT

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